How many of your phones – or other electronic devices – have succumbed to their naturally occurring enemy called water? I cannot count the horror stories that I have heard about mobile phones, laptops, etc. that have gotten dunked into a body of water, have been at the receiving end of a spilled glass of liquid, and so on. I am pretty sure that you are no stranger to this as well.
As far as I can recall, the worst thing that happened to me was a now ancient Nokia phone falling into a mug of hot chocolate. Amazingly enough, the phone still worked after getting dried out! Not everyone is that lucky, though, and a very expensive phone can easily die on you after getting wet. No brainer.
Now what if there is a solution which you can put on your phone to make it impervious to the negative effects of water? There is actually a coating which you can apply on the surface of your phone! It is called Liquipel.
This revolutionary process is still pending patent approval, but from what I have been seeing online, it really works. Using the coating, an entire phone can be waterproofed. It is not only the surface of the phone that is covered, but also the inner parts, making sure that no amount of moisture can sneak in and destroy your device from the inside.
The company that developed this technology is based in Santa Ana, California, and they charge a reasonable price for their services – around $60. For this price, the idea of being able to safely use your phone even if there is a slight drizzle is so worth it, isn’t it? Now if you have playful friends who like springing surprises on you – like water gun fights and swimming pool dunking – then you have absolutely nothing to worry about if your phone has been Liquipelled.
Take a look at this video for Liquipel in action.
Liquipel currently works for several phone models:
- Apple iPhone 4s
- Apple iPhone 4
- Apple iPhone 3g/s
- HTC Evo 4G
- HTC Evo Shift 4G
- HTC MyTouch 4G
- HTC Thunderbolt
- Motorola Droid X/X2
- Samsung Charge
If your phone is not included, just get in touch with the guys at Liquipel.