How much time do you spend on the Internet? How often do you send e-mails? How often do you tweet? How often do you post a status message on Facebook? How often do you conduct a search on Google?
The Internet has invaded the life of the average person so much so that you (in all likelihood) cannot go a day without logging in to one service or another. Whether it’s Twitter, Facebook, e-mail, WordPress, Blogger, or what-have-you – one thing is for sure: people are constantly doing something online.
Now I am pretty sure that your curious mind has wondered – at least once – just how much is going on online at any given moment. Well here’s the answer to your question – not exactly in same terms, perhaps, but close enough. An infographic by Shanghai Web Designers ((60 Seconds)) tells you what happens on the Internet every 60 seconds – or every minute.

So…did you know that every 60 seconds…
- more than 694,445 searches are done on Google?
- more than 6,600 photos are uploaded on Flickr?
- more than 600 videos are uploaded on YouTube? This translates to more than 25 hours of viewing pleasure (or displeasure, as the case may be)
- 695,000 statuses are updated on Facebook, 79,364 messages are posted on walls, and 510,040 comments are made?
- more than 168,000,000 e-mails are sent? So who was that again who said that e-mail was dead???
- 98,000 tweets are published on Twitter? I don’t know if this includes RTs and @replies, though.
Pretty impressive numbers, but I think the guys who made this infographic missed one vital stat: that every 60 seconds, an infographic (or two) is published. At least that’s what my Twitter stream and Facebook feed tells me. 😉