When was the last time you used a cheat sheet? I still remember the days in university when professors allowed cheat sheets during exams. We were ecstatic, only to realize that the problems in the exam were practically unsolvable if you only relied on the cheat sheet.
When it comes to the “real world” of business, there is also such a thing as a cheat sheet. With all the different developments in business and technology, it is only to be expected. The guys at Flowtown have come up with an infographic that can serve as a quick guide for small business owners when it comes to social media.
Aptly titled “The Small Business Social Media Cheat Sheet”, the infographic covers the following networks:
- YouTube
- Google+
- Tumblr
- Digg
It starts with outlining pros and cons of each platform, followed by quick tips on how to begin using them. For example, for Twitter, it teaches you to create a Twitter name or handle. It specifically encourages you to use your business name, or a name that your customers will recognize. It may seem like a no brainer to those who use Twitter on a daily – nay, hourly – basis, but you may be surprised at how many people still need guidance in this aspect.
The infographic also gives a quick rundown of the lingo and symbols used for each platform. Twitter: @, RT, DM, and #, for example. For small business owners who want to have an idea of the reach of each platform, the audience size is also presented. Of course, we all know that Facebook is the leader when it comes to this.
Yes, it is very basic, but remember that the target is small business owners who may not know the ins and outs of these platforms. It is not called the small business social media cheat sheet for nothing!
One thing I expect to see in this cheat sheet – if a future version is made – is Pinterest. What do you think about that?