How many times have you played the game of “throw popcorn at me, and I’ll catch it with my wide open mouth” with your friends or siblings? I have not done it in a while, but there it is hard to think of a silly activity that can offer so much fun. Well, unless you count throwing peanuts, and other similar finger food.
All that is fun if you have a throwing partner whose aim is ace, but what if you’re alone? Or what if you simply don’t feel like expending much energy but want to eat some popcorn. Yeah, sometimes you can’t believe how lazy people get, huh?
Enter the Popinator. The machine that takes away the need to use your hands to have some popcorn fun.
I’m serious.
The Popinator is a real machine that holds popcorn and is supposed to make popcorn-eating more fun. A project of Popcorn, Indiana, the Popinator is “the world’s first fully automated,
voice activated popcorn shooter triggered by the word pop“. So all you need to do is make your popcorn, fill up your Popinator, sit back and relax, and say pop whenever you feel the munchies. Thank voice recognition technology plus a bit more.
Obviously, the main problem I see here is that you can only get one kernel at a time, but if you can handle that, then you should be okay. The less obviously problem is that there is no information as to whether the company is planning to produce the Popinator for commercial release. That’s just plain cruel, isn’t it? Then again, I am pretty sure some nifty DIY-er will come up with a home brewed solution soon enough.
Here’s the Popinator in action to tease you more, or maybe it will inspire you to make your own.