It doesn’t take a marketing and branding expert to realize the importance of logos. After all, the average consumer knows just how a good logo can make you associate it with a particular brand. Case in point: anyone who sees that ubiquitous apple (the fruit) with a chunk bitten off knows just what company it stands for.
I sure don’t know much about creating logos, but I came across this funny slash interesting post at Stock Logos ((Stock Logos Web Site)) about how the logos of famous companies have evolved over the years. AND how they just might evolve in the years to come. That is the funny part.
One look at that image above, and you can’t deny how ridiculous the Apple logo becomes in 2042. I wonder what Steve Jobs thinks of it?
When it comes to famous logos, the multi-colored Google logo is definitely way up there together with Apple. Perhaps even higher. If Stock Logos can be believed, we will not see those colors and letters anymore in five years (or less).

I think they made a slight mistake with the date of the last logo, though.
If we have the famous logos of Apple, we also need to take a look at Microsoft, don’t we?
Here’s another series that many from the older generation will recognize at a glance.

I don’t know, but the solid block of light blue makes me think of how wasteful it is in terms of ink!
What browser do you use? Firefox used to be my favorite, and although it has been superseded by Safari as my default browser, Firefox still holds a special place in my dock. And yes, I do prefer its logo(s) as well.

I know the 2012 logo is ridiculous, but I love it!
Last, but not the least, we have to include the coffee shop chain that has changed the world. Whether in a good or a bad way, I shall not dwell on that.

Is it just me or does the 2035 logo look freaky???