Once in a while I get bored from work, and my favorite time waster are online flash games. They are available on any browser, fast to load, funny, and usually it is pretty easy to get aware from them when you need to go back to work (the same cannot be said about Counter Strike and other games…).
For this reason, we will create a weekly column here mentioning the best online flash games around the Web.
The first mention goes to the HelicopterGame.net. Now, I said that for most flash games it is easy to get away when you need to, but this one might be an exception.
When I started played this game I was immediately hooked. I played for 30 minutes without a break, until I reached over 1000 points of distance.
What is the game about? Well you just need to click on your mouse to make the helicopter go up, and release the buttom to make it go down, while avoiding obstacles on your way.
Sounds boring? Go try for yourself then!