While browsing on the web I came across a very interesting article titled The 11 Best Free Photo Editing Programs. It basically lists 11 free programs that you can use to edit photos. Six of them are desktop applications, and five are online photo editors.
The cool thing is that apart from the description, each program comes with the “Best Selling Point,” the “Biggest Drawback” and a handy list of tutorials to get you started using the tool. Here is a quote from the first mention, Gimp:
Gimp takes the cake with this little competition. It fits all the criteria for the perfect image editor for college students. It’s free, compatible with all computers, and satisfies all your editing needs—from basics like cropping and red-eye correction to multiple layers, advanced filters, and GIF animation. The worst you can really say about this editor is that initially it can be a bit overwhelming. It has multiple windows and a wide range of options. But once you get the hang of it, photo editing becomes a breeze. For all but the most professional editors, Gimp even works as an adequate substitute for Photoshop, a $700-$1,000 program. Also, if you have a Mac, this is by far your best option and the only one that made our list.
Best Selling Point: Overall best functionality and compatible with all computers
Biggest Drawback: Overwhelming interface with a steep learning curve
Gimp is also probably the most well known software in the list. Most of the others were new to me, and they look promising. Whether you’re a professional photographer or a novice, this article gives some helpful insight to save time and money.