A recent survey has stated that as many as 40 percent of children in aged from 11 to 18 have experienced bullying behavior online, and although that figure may not seem so high, it is expected to rise, especially as there are more ways than ever before for children to communicate via the internet. In this article we will be taking a closer look at cyberbullying and why it has become such an emotive issue. [Read more…] about How to Protect Your Children From Cyberbullying
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The Changing Face of “Social” Media
It seems as though social media changes on a daily basis, with new sites and applications popping up so frequently it could make your head spin. The issue that bears constantly in mind is the idea that, while it is called “Social Networking,” there is very little social benefit to using these sites. When is the last time you actually made a new and tangible connection on a social networking site? There are plenty of dating apps out there, but this can still seem taboo in many people’s minds, and the risk of meeting a random partner doesn’t bode well with many users. It seems social media keeps us away from actual social interaction, and keeps us behind our computers more often than not. [Read more…] about The Changing Face of “Social” Media
Snap up the Latest Bluetooth Headsets to Stay Connected on the Go
In today’s modern world, we are all more connected than ever before. Sometimes, it seems you can’t take more than a couple of steps without receiving a text, email or notification from social media – it can all be a bit much, to be honest! Sometimes, you really do need to stay connected on the go – perhaps you’re waiting for that all important call from work or need to organise an important appointment, yet you have a million other things to do too. You don’t have the time to sit around waiting for a call to come in; maybe you even have to travel to a business meeting so you won’t be able to answer calls on the go. That’s where the latest Bluetooth headsets come in handy! [Read more…] about Snap up the Latest Bluetooth Headsets to Stay Connected on the Go
8 Predictions for the Future of Mobile Security
Mobile tech has grown increasingly more complicated, while mobile markets are more diverse than ever, with apps for nearly every purpose and occasion. One of the biggest results? A nearly frenetic focus on mobile security as companies and developers rush to make sure all that mobile data is properly protected.
What is the near-future going to look like for these mobile protection plans? Key trends include:
[Read more…] about 8 Predictions for the Future of Mobile Security
6 Reasons Every Company Should Use Content Marketing
The world of marketing is constantly changing and evolving. Practices that were common place five or ten years ago are now outdated. In the past several years, a trend has emerged that has revolutionized the way companies connect with consumers. A recent survey shows that 78% of Chief Marketing Officers now believe that future of marketing lies in content marketing.
Content marketing is the creation of valuable content for the purpose of attracting consumers to a product or service. The content may be about the product itself, or related issues that will help the customer catch the vision of the company. Content marketing is most commonly found on company blogs, social media, videos and other mediums. The following are 6 reasons your company should be involved in content marketing. Some of the most common forms of content of content marketing are infographics, video, memes, interactive graphics, and more. [Read more…] about 6 Reasons Every Company Should Use Content Marketing
3 Ways Mobile Banking Can Make Your Life Neato
Not so long ago, a person who didn’t exactly clock in at 8:00 and out at 5:00 was said to be working banker’s hours. A comedian even once joked that banks determined their hours by asking customers, “When CAN’T you come?”
But just as they have revolutionized so many other areas of life, smartphones have invaded banking and become a game changer.
Mobile banking hasn’t caused bankers to work any extra hours, but it sure has the bank at your fingertips any time of any day. Learn about the benefits of mobile banking and how it can change your world. [Read more…] about 3 Ways Mobile Banking Can Make Your Life Neato