No one can deny just how much Nintendo has changed the face of the gaming landscape, thanks to the Wii. It was only a matter of time before other manufacturers developed something similar, and lo and behold, we are about to see Sony’s answer: the PlayStation Move. News about this game controller platform started circulating mid last year, but now, we have something more concrete.
This time next week, PlayStation Move will be released. Testers have already tried out the platform, and it seems that Sony just might beat Nintendo in terms of hardware. This is hardly surprising, as hardcore gamers have always looked down on the capabilities of the Nintendo Wii. The big drawback to PlayStation Move, however, is the lack of games that will entice people to line up for it on the first day of its arrival.
Hardware-wise, PlayStation Move is very responsive and easy to use. It makes use of the PlayStation Eye, which will serve as the sensor to detect your motions when you use the controller, which is eerily similar to the Wii-mote. For gamers who complain that you can excel in Wii Sports without much difficulty, you might enjoy the need for accuracy when playing Sports Champions on PlayStation Move. Based on reports, even a slight flick of your wrist will make a difference in the outcome of the game! (Needless to say, Sports Champions is much like Wii Sports – no surprise there.)
There isn’t much by way of other game titles as of now, but if anything, we know that Sony’s game consoles tend to start out as slow as a turtle. My bet is that Move will soon catch up. Who knows? It might even replace the Wii!
Photo credit: Product Reviews