I have said it before, and I will say it again (and again). Valentine’s Day is a mere Hallmark holiday that has gotten way out of control. It is commercialism at its best. Sure, it is always nice to spend special moments with the special person in your life, but it will not kill you if you do not subscribe to the hype that is Valentine’s Day! [Read more…] about The Economics of Valentine’s Day
The Lowdown on Ipads and Textbooks
When Apple made their big announcement in mid-January, iPads and textbooks suddenly became the talk of the town. Techies were of course immediately on the topic, and even casual users were drawn into various discussions. After all, the iPad is a device that is hard to ignore, and textbooks are close to the hearts of a lot of people who care about education.
The comparison of iPads and textbooks was, understandably, inevitable. Can the iPad really take the place of textbooks? Or will textbooks as we have always known them remain for eternity? Here is the lowdown on iPads and textbooks, brought to us by Online Teaching Degree. [Read more…] about The Lowdown on Ipads and Textbooks
Four Things You Can Do With Your iPhone When Your Contract Expires
As most Apple fanboys and fangirls already know, there’s an Apple event scheduled for March 7th. A lot of people are saying that this could be the day when the iPad 3 is launched. You might also even see the new iPhone 5 released alongside with it, but until then, all we can do is wait.
The iPhone 4S was released to a mixed crowd last year, who were already expecting the fifth-generation of the device to be launched. Nonetheless, pre-orders for the device skyrocketed amid good reviews and the wonder of a personal assistant that was Siri.
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iModela 3D Printer Carves Out a Niche

3D printers have come a long way, although they cannot be called mainstream yet. There are more of these printers in the market, though, and more services offering 3D printing. What is common about most 3D printers is that they build the items using some sort of material. Basically, the material of choice is used to build items layer by layer until the design is complete.
There is a newcomer in the 3D printing scene that gives a different perspective of how 3D printing is done. It’s called iModela. [Read more…] about iModela 3D Printer Carves Out a Niche
Entorhinal Cortex: Remember That If You Want to Strengthen Your Memory

I have been called forgetful so many times that I do not remember how often it has happened. I have to admit that I do have my Dory ((Finding Nemo)) moments. I am sure you have yours, too. How many times have you forgotten where you have put your keys? I bet you have forgotten where you have parked your car as well. These things do happen to ordinary people, and there is nothing we can do about it. Or is there? [Read more…] about Entorhinal Cortex: Remember That If You Want to Strengthen Your Memory
New Molecule Created By 10-Year-Old

This little girl is THE man! Clara Lazen, who is only 10 years old, has created a new molecule in science class, albeit accidentally. She lives in Kansas City, Missouri and created the new molecule by chance when her science teacher, Kenneth Boehr, handed out your run-of-the-mill balls and sticks.
Boehr gave his students balls representing the atoms of carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen, presumably to “play” with them. The result of Clara’s “playing” was totally unexpected: the new molecule dubbed Tetranitratoxycarbon. [Read more…] about New Molecule Created By 10-Year-Old