Technology is a double-edged sword in parenting. Monitoring your child’s use of the family PC is simple enough, but supervision becomes more complicated. Eventually the time will come when your child will grow up and leave all his baby gear behind. As a parent you still want to keep an eye on your children and this is quite simple done through the use of smartphones. Fortunately, there are many apps that would help you keep your kids safe. Here are our five favourites. [Read more…] about Five Apps to Keep Your Kids Safe
Alternative Photo Sites to Download Images
Daily, I scour the web for images that I can use for various blog entries. More often than not, I end up gazing at some photos of amazing landscapes or some other thing totally unrelated to what I need. There’s no denying it – images do tend to enrapture people, especially if a talented person is behind them.
Photos serve a million purposes, but whatever your reason may be for wanting or needing photos that aren’t yours, you are in luck today. I’ve put together a list of photo sites where you can find – or search for – photos and images.
As you can surmise from the title, these photo sites are not part of the usual suspects list. Don’t expect to find Google Image Search, Flickr, and Photobucket here. We all know they work excellently, but if you are looking to expand your photo sites horizon, these five names should be in your radar.

With more than 3 billion pictures indexed, picsearch is obviously set out to impress. (I got the number of zeroes in the home page right, didn’t I?) You can easily search from the home page with whatever keyword you want to use, and you can also set parameters to narrow your search: colors, size, orientation, and type (animations, faces). I’d recommend picsearch highly for school children who use the Internet for homework (which is practically everyone), as there is absolutely no adult content indexed. That should make parents feel better. [Read more…] about Alternative Photo Sites to Download Images
European Startup Events For the Rest of 2012

Startups continue to be the hot thing these days wherever you go. Admittedly, there is still a strong focus in the US, but the startup scene can only continue to blossom in other parts of the world as well. From Silicon Valley to South America to Southeast Asia to Europe – you will find tons of budding entrepreneurs with brilliant ideas looking for people with the cash and interest to invest.
If you are based in Europe, or you simply want to keep tabs on the startup scene there, there are a handful of startup events lined up for what remains of 2012. Not only do they present good opportunities to make connections, but you can also take the time out to explore your options! [Read more…] about European Startup Events For the Rest of 2012
2012 a Bad Year for Windows 7, Thanks to Malware

182 percent. Remember that number if you’re a Windows 7 user.
Microsoft themselves announced that Windows 7’s malware infection rate has increased by 182 percent this year. While they are rather specific with the figures, they are not too sure about the underlying reasons. [Read more…] about 2012 a Bad Year for Windows 7, Thanks to Malware
Top 5 Password Management Tools

I have made a reputation for myself in that I tend to forget my passwords. It’s not something to be proud of, for sure, and I still cannot live down the instance when I had just gotten my first MacBook. I set a user password, only to have forgotten it right after restarting! For the life of me, I cannot explain how that happened, but you get the picture…Writing on more blogs than I can count on one hand and having to access even more password-protected sites, I am absolutely reliant on password management tools.
If you are anything like me, you would benefit from an efficient password management tool as well. There are many choices, and let me share five of the best password management tools with you. [Read more…] about Top 5 Password Management Tools
5 Classic Mobile Phones

Mobile phones have become essential devices for everyone today, but do you remember the times when only a select few were able to afford their own cell phones? Those old phones were huge and clunky, especially judging by today’s standards. They were not the prettiest, but they did what phones were supposed to do: make calls. The “newer” ones had the capability to send text messages, and some were even able to browse the Internet – mostly text only – but they sure did have long life spans.
Kids today probably wouldn’t touch those phones with a 12-foot pole, but those of us who grew up yearning after those phones have a soft spot for them. Take a brief walk down memory lane with these 5 classic mobile phones.
[Read more…] about 5 Classic Mobile Phones