Saving money happens to be one of the vital steps when it comes to managing your personal finances. You can gradually claw your way up from a pretty awful financial situation to one that is more neutral by adopting a few ways to save money. You should set a goal to put aside at least 10% of all the money you earn. Living from paycheck to paycheck might make this a bit difficult, but by doing the following things, you will be able to save that money. [Read more…] about Save Money Every Day…Seriously
5 Instances of Necessary Risk Versus Reward Calculations
For better or worse, a lot of life ends up coming down to calculations, and none more important than the idea of risk versus reward. And specifically, this often deals with actions. You can think inside your head however you want, but once those ideas get translated into actions (or sometimes words), that’s when consequences start happening.
And five situations in particular where the risk versus reward calculation is going to pop up repeatedly include during business operations, while you’re developing personal relationships, when you’re trying to have fun with substances, the actions you perform during your workday, and whether you choose the permission or forgiveness routes. [Read more…] about 5 Instances of Necessary Risk Versus Reward Calculations
Dental Health Starts At The Dentist
Most people will say the opposite, that your dental care starts at home. However, it simply continues at home. If you aren’t seeing a dental professional that has all the right equipment, you’re still putting your mouth at risk for cavities, gum disease, and more.
Yes, you should still brush your teeth at least twice a day, floss daily and use mouthwash to loosen stuff trapped in your teeth and freshen your breath. But, if you aren’t getting your yearly dental checkup and professional cleaning you might just be going through the motions. Here are some of the reasons your dentist is important to the health or your mouth. [Read more…] about Dental Health Starts At The Dentist
Make Your Next Event a Lead-Generating Powerhouse
One of the best ways to generate sales qualified leads (SQL) is to host a conference. One of the worst ways to sell that idea to your non-marketing focused boss is to use terms like SQL. When speaking to non-marketers, avoid marketing jargon.
Eliminating specialized jargon is also good practice for marketing your products, services, and brand. People don’t want to feel like they are being marketed to (targeted). They don’t want to be treated like leads and prospects. [Read more…] about Make Your Next Event a Lead-Generating Powerhouse
Tips For Staying Active As You Get Older
As you age your body slows down, your muscles get weaker, and you lose some of your flexibility. These things don’t actually have to happen to you if you stay active. You don’t have to run a marathon every month in order to be active and stay healthy, you just need to do what you can to keep getting up and moving each day.
There are plenty of safe routines out there that can work for people that might already be partially immobile. Plus, the more you work on being physical the more energy you’ll have and the easier it will be to keep up your routine. Just make sure to take safety precautions if you’re new to fitness or have mobility issues, such as having a medical alert system on you and talking to your doctor before starting your routine. [Read more…] about Tips For Staying Active As You Get Older
How To Keep From Going Into Debt
Debt sucks, plain and simple. For the people who find themselves drowning in debt it can feel as though there is no lifeline available. Once you are in debt it can be a long road to recovery.
Instead of waiting until you are in debt to deal with your money you should do what you can to avoid getting into debt in the first place. It’s actually not that difficult to avoid debt if you are smart with your money and are always prepared for emergencies. [Read more…] about How To Keep From Going Into Debt