As if it’s not yet a known fact that Facebook is now the no.1 social network worldwide, comScore made an analysis of Facebook’s growth in Europe for the past year. And guess what? Results of the analysis reveal that Facebook increase by 314 percent from Feb 2008 to Feb 2009. Interestingly, these increasing number of audience are not just one-minute visitor of Facebook, but are actually spending an average 3 hours per month visit. [Read more…] about Facebook is the No.1 Social Network in Europe, What Else is New?
Twitter Worm Attacks Continue
The worm that started wreaking havoc on Twitter last Saturday continues its attack. Already on its fourth attack, the new variation of the XSS continues to compromise Twitter accounts and post malicious tweets on Twitter users updates. [Read more…] about Twitter Worm Attacks Continue
Digg Launches a Better Search Facility
After rolling out its new Digg Toolbar which received quite some apprehension from critics, the Digg blog is announcing that the site’s search tool has just been improved, to put it in David Burka’s words -it is now 99.987% less sucks. [Read more…] about Digg Launches a Better Search Facility
How Many Friends are You Allowed to Have on Facebook?
Last time I checked, I’ve only got 73 Facebook friends. And probably 75% of them are what I could categorized as “active network”. If you are not like me, and has more Facebook friends than I have, then you must be asking right now, just how many Facebook friends are we allowed to have? [Read more…] about How Many Friends are You Allowed to Have on Facebook? Comes as a Free iPhone App
What else could probably come as an iPhone application? It’s a gaming platform, an e-book reader, a flashlight, a virtual beer, and now the iPhone has just become a free dictionary as well with the release of’s iPhone app. So , now you have a handy dictionary minus the bulky form of a pocket dictionary that we use to know. [Read more…] about Comes as a Free iPhone App
Friendfeed vs. Twitter, Which Side Are You On?
Have you heard about the new Friendfeed page that is currently in beta mode? If you haven’t, you might want to check it out. The new home page design is a big upgrade from the current cluttered and disorganized Friendfeed site. And if you’re both a Friendfeed and Twitter user, you’d immediately notice the striking resemblance between the Friendfeed in beta and Twitter’s home page. [Read more…] about Friendfeed vs. Twitter, Which Side Are You On?