We all know that the Internet is anything but private. Sure, there is still the high degree of anonymity, hence the cyber bullies and people who say things that they wouldn’t dare say to a person’s face. However, there is also the known fact that more and more, entities are watching what we do online. They have various reasons, but Google’s updated privacy policy is blatantly all about gathering data from users in order to better target their advertisements. (Nah, it’s not all about the money. Why would anyone think that?)
I know some people who couldn’t care less about these things – whether they really are not bothered or they do not know the facts, I have no idea. There are, however, a lot of other people who are very much concerned about privacy issues, and if you are one of them, you will be clapping your hands for Mozilla. Especially if you are already a regular user.
Recently, Mozilla announced an add-on for Firefox. Dubbed Collusion, the main purpose of the add-on is to give users the ability to see who (or what perhaps) is tracking their online browsing activities. It is indeed giving users the power to spy on those who are watching.
Right now, Collusion is still in the experimental stage, but the idea is for the add-on to show users all the third party trackers stalking them AND how they interact with each other. All in real time.
If you are not a Firefox user, will Collusion tempt you to change your default browser?
Via Mail Online