Traveling has never been so popular as it is today, and with the plethora of gadgets that one can lug along while on the road, travel apps are high up on the list of any traveler. Whether you use an iPhone, an Android phone, or whatever gadget, you are sure to find an app that will make your trip more fun and convenient. I thought it would be useful to take a look at some of the most useful travel apps that you can download today.
Google Maps

It’s a no brainer, really. If I were allowed to download only one app for a trip, it would be Google Maps. ((Get Google Maps)) (Of course, I already have it.) This app has saved me from getting lost countless times, and every traveler should have access to it! Oh, and they say that the Navigation feature, which is in Beta, is lovely for those who have a problem with their sense of orientation.

Another app that every traveler ought to have. For hotels, attractions, dining options, and more, this app is very handy. I think it’s best used as you make your preparations, but it also serves its purpose when you feel like discovering something new right smack in the middle of your trip. The TripAdvisor app is available for various platforms and is free! ((Get TripAdvisor))
Panorama App

Not everyone has an awesome camera, and sometimes, all you really need is your phone (especially with the decent cameras they have nowadays). A very useful app for travelers who visit scenic areas is Panorama, which allows you to take panoramic shots with your good old phone. Reviews are pretty good for the app, especially for the latest version. Get Panorama at the iTunes store ((Buy Panorama)) for only $4.99.
Travel Language Guides by

Learning the basic words and phrases of your destination is always handy. WorldNomads has many different language guides which you can download. ((WorldNomads)) The guides are free, but if you want more phrases, you can purchase the premium version for $1.99.
XE Currency

I suck at converting currency and usually end up spending more than I intend to because of this. The XE Currency app is a lifesaver for people like me. Enough said. And yes, this app is free. ((Get XE Currency))
Tourcaster ((Tourcaster)) is a service which offers tour guides in various formats. You can choose from walking tours, driving tours, city guides, and audio tours. They are all downloadable, with some content available for free. Guides start at $10.
They offer guides for South Africa, Asia, Australia, the Caribbean, Europe, the Middle East, and North/South America. The majority of their content is focused on Europe, though. Forget lugging around a bulky guidebook. All you need is your mobile phone!
How about you? What travel apps do you have on your list?