When news of the Raspberry Pi first came out, hope bloomed in the hearts of real computer enthusiasts. When I say real, I mean those who actually do not mind getting their hands dirty digging into the guts of devices and doing mods here and there. Old school computer tinkering. Creativity and technology coming together in a beautiful blend.
Here’s something more beautiful than that, though: LEGO and Raspberry Pi used in conjunction with each other to create a supercomputer.
If that didn’t make your jaw drop and your mind explode with possibilities, I don’t know what will!
This is not a joke or a whimsical story. It is for real, thanks to Simon Cox of Britain’s University of Southampton. Together with a team of engineers, Cox set out to showcase just how much potential the Raspberry Pi has. And to add even more fun to the mix, Cox threw in an irresistible element: LEGO.
A supercomputer made with LEGO and Raspberry Pi. It really sounds too good to be true, doesn’t?
His goal is simple enough: to make supercomputing accessible to hobbyists – kids of all ages, including his son who is only six years old. So how cool would it be to have a dad like him? I sure hope his son realizes this!
If you want to give building a LEGO and Raspberry Pi supercomputer a go, you can get instructions straight from Cox himself. You’ll need about 64 Raspberry Pis, some LEGO blocks (no color preference), power supplies, and some wires. Oh, of course, a little know-how.
Via Wired