Do you have a tendency to get in trouble with the authorities? Even though you may be a well-meaning person, and you really try to keep a low profile, do you always seem to end up looking like a bad guy?
If that is you (or you know someone like that), then you will definitely find some use for this new Android app called “I’m Getting Arrested”. It is not a joke, although it may seem like a silly name.
I’m Getting Arrested was developed by Jason Van Anden of Quadrant 2, Inc. and is meant to be used by people who are exactly in that situation – getting arrested. You know how it goes when you get arrested…well, okay, you probably don’t. But oftentimes, during these times, things happen really quickly.
That’s where the app comes into the picture. It easily allows you to alert the people you need to alert when – if – you get arrested with one easy click. Your wife or husband (or girl friend or boy friend), your parents, your lawyer – everybody who needs to know about your situation can easily receive a text message with a single click on your Android phone via the app.
You simply need to set things up. Compose your custom text message, specify the phone numbers that you want the message to be sent to, and you are good to go.
According to the developers, the app was inspired by the recent Occupy Wall Street movement. Of course, even if you do not participate in any of the events, you can still use the app. Even people who do not speak English can use the app. Currently, several languages are supported: Catalan, English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, and Turkish. The developers say that more languages will be supported in the future, so check back for updates.
Here’s the good thing is that it is available for free! Get I’m Getting Arrested now to make sure you have your butt covered in case of emergency.
So what do you think of the idea? Will you be getting this app for your phone?