The guys at Freestyle Interactive ((Source)), a digital marketing group based out of the United Kingdom, have come up with an interesting infographic. Obviously, they know a thing or two about social media networks (or at least they are supposed to), and it seems that they also have a thing about superheroes. Then again, who doesn’t?
The infographic is all about comparing the various social media networks in existence today (never mind that some of them are all but dead, or on their way there) by representing each one using a superhero. More than assigned a superhero to a social media network, the guys also placed the characters in a card, giving an assessment of the network. As you can see in the image at the beginning of the post, each card is formatted in a specific way.
First comes the network’s name, followed by the superhero. Next comes a short description – or tagline, if you wish to call it so. There are then four parameters that can be used to quantitatively compare the networks.
- Active Users
- World Reach
- Usability
- Cutting Edge
In terms of active users and world reach, the figures are pretty clear cut. I guess we can’t really argue. Facebook and YouTube are the clear winners in these areas, although Twitter does have something to say when it comes to world reach. As for usability, WordPress is the strongest, with Google+ coming close. What I am not sure of is the cutting edge factor. Maybe the infographic just needs to have a little bit more info – what, why, how, etc.
In any case, this is one cool infographic that you can go over during your break today.

So what do you think? Did the guys get their assessment right? If there is anything you could change, what would it be?