How much do you spend time online? If you work via the Internet, it is inevitable that you spend practically all your waking hours online. That is more than understandable. ((Yeah, I am being a little defensive here.)) However, have you ever stopped to think about what you actually do when you are online? You can say, “I work. What else?” But what if the Internet is NOT the main venue for your work?
Here’s a nifty little infographic that would make stats enthusiasts really happy. It provides details on how people spend time online.
Did you know that…
- There are more than 2 billion people online all over the world?
- In the United States, users clock in 32 hours per month as compared to 16 hours globally. That isn’t as much as I thought!
- As can be expected, social networking is at the top of online activities, followed very closely by searching and then reading content. Online shopping accounts for a mere 5% of the time spent.
- Brazilians are the friendliest people online, while the Japanese are the least. That is, if you count the number of online friends.
- Location-based services, timeshifted TV, and online banking are the fastest growing services online. So if you want to have a piece of that online pie, you might want to take a look at these sectors.
Via GoGadgit