Google‘s Zeitgeist is something I look forward to every year. While I may not spend as much time poring over the details as other people I know, I do make it a point to take a look back at the year that was – in the eyes of Google.
This year, the search engine giant put out something new: a map of Googlers’ resolutions from around the world. You know – those promises we make to ourselves at the beginning of the year…
Some people don’t place much stock on New Year’s resolutions anymore, and quite understandably so. After all, how many of your promises are actually kept and sustained throughout the year? How many of those new habits survive once the novelty of a new year wears off?
Still, I suppose it is a testament to the tenacity of human beings. Or the sheer positivity that abounds every time the new year comes: people continue to make New Year’s resolutions.
So, if you check out Zeitgeist 2012, you’ll find a special section for the collection of Googlers’ resolutions presented in maps format. The resolutions are grouped topically – love, health, career, finance, family, education, do good, and others. Each topic is assigned a color, which you can see as dots on the map, giving you an idea of the nature of the resolutions made in certain parts of the world.
Of course, Google did not limit the features of the Googlers’ resolutions map to only one Google product. Google Translate is also incorporated, and you can choose the language you want to use.
Now what use is this? Maybe nothing. Maybe it can inspire you to do more than make resolutions. Or maybe you just need to kill time.