I dream of one day driving a Ferrari. Or even just ride in one. While I am at it, I might as well dream of owning one – until something pulls me back to reality.
That is why looking at this Ferrari coffee table pains me. It is the work of industrial/interior/graphic designer Charly Molinelli, who seems to pride in his work. I guess, from one point of view, this is art. And after all, not everyone gets to have a Ferrari – not even a wrecked one, especially not in one’s living room!
I am not sure if this Ferrari was wrecked with a coffee table as the finished product in mind, but I highly doubt that! If you think about it, we hear about rich people crashing their Ferraris all the time. One would think they’d be more careful with those shiny toys cars, yes? In any case, this Ferrari coffee table started out like this.

I guess whoever owned this car did a really good job of making sure it cannot be repaired anymore! Then again, one man’s wreck is another man’s treasure. Or something like that. Designer Charly Molinelli simply took advantage of what he could find, and started creating the casing for the Ferrari coffee table.

Who would have thought that that simple wooden structure would turn out to be an interesting conversation piece of a coffee table?
See more of Molinelli’s work on his web site.