So is Facebook linked to lower GPA? I don’t think that you need to be a rocket scientist to figure out that being on Facebook – or any other social network for that matter – while studying might just be a distraction that can lead to lower grades. Before there was Facebook, there was text messaging. Before that, there was long chats on the phone with friends. I think that it all boils down to one thing: multitasking.
There is the widely held belief that women are great at multitasking, but studies show that humans may not be wired for this kind of activity. Whether you are a man or a woman, multitasking just might not be the best way to go if you want to get good results in whatever you are doing.
Now there is a new study titled “No A 4 U: The relationship between multitasking and academic performance”, which focused on this idea: Facebook linked to lower GPA. There was also a study prior to this one that showed conclusive results. However, the more recent study probed deeper into the issue.
The study was conducted by Reynol Junco, an associate professor at Lock Haven University in Pennsylvania. He took a look at the use of Facebook while studying – even with only a “harmless” page open, as well as sending text messages. He also included activities such reading and sending email, using instant messengers, and searching for information via the Internet while studying.
The conclusion? “Continual tasks” are the ones responsible for the deterioration of grades. That is, if you are constantly on Facebook (or other social networks), chatting with friends, and so on while studying, then they could be the main reasons your GPA is going down.