No, Facebook is not going into that kind of Adult thing that you might be thinking when you read the title of this post. What I mean to say is that Facebook users are getting older. And by older I mean way older. Citing an independent report on the demographic stats of Facebook’s Social Ads platform by analytics company iStrategy Lab, Mashable is reporting that majority of Facebook users now belong to the 24-54 age range, with siginicant increase in usage by users who belong to the 55 and above age range.The iStrategy report also indicated that users in the 18-24 age range has increased for only 4.5% between January and July 2009. While users in the 25-34 age range increased by 60.8%, 35 to 54 increased by 190.2% and the number of users aged 55 years and above have increased by 513.7%.
Looking at the overall number of users in the respective age groupings, majority of Facebook users are now age 35-54 numbering to around 20.3 million or 28% overall. Users in the 18-24 age group now ranks third with 18 million or 25.%. While users who are 25-34 years old rank second with 18.1 million in total number or 25.2%.
So what does all these figures mean? Facebook users are getting older, yes. More matured users are discovering that Facebook is a good tool to communicate with old friends. Facebook has become a virtual reunion of sorts among high-school buddies. In short Facebook has become not only as a social network for meeting new friends but for finding old friends as well.
In the business point of view, this is a good thing. Facebook advertisers and social media marketeers would love this development, as finally their target audience are partaking of the Facebook mania.
So, to which groups of users do you belong?
Ok, I’m just kidding. You don’t have to answer that, as I won’t answer it myself.