It is hard to beat the adrenaline rush that one gets from racing cars. Even if it’s only a virtual experience. Heck, even a vicarious racing experience is enough to get one’s blood pumping till you think your heart will burst with the excitement!
If you have a need for that rush that one can derive only from racing, then take a look at these 7 of the best driving games ever. (In no particular order, mind you.)
Need for Speed

The Need for Speed franchise has a long and distinguished history. Back in the day, I loved playing it on the computer. Then the PS3 took its place. There have been quite a lot of installments in the franchise that I have missed out on, but there is no doubt that this franchise contains some of the best driving games you can play.
Need for Speed: The Run is the 18th in the franchise. It holds the distinction of the only game in the franchise that uses real-life locations – in the US. It is action packed, although it got mixed reviews from critics.

The premise of Split/Second is that you are participating in a reality TV show as a driver. You get to participate in various kinds of races – elimination, normal racing, elite racing, and some special challenges – for each episode. It is arcade style, for added fun (especially for average drivers like myself). The main thing about this game is that it is so addictive, especially if you like playing against other people. Definitely one of the best driving games you can play.

Blur is best played when your friends come around for a night of fun. Forget realistic driving with this game. And remember to bring along a healthy dose of competitiveness without the temper. Being blown up and thrown out of the track can really get things all heated up!
Formula 1

I’m a sucker for F1 – both the game and the real deal. If I had the time and money, I would go to all of the races every year. And, if I had the skill and patience, I would play the game as much as I can. Alas, I have to be content watching someone else who can actually meet the challenges and play the game. It is very soothing to watch, trust me!

Another very successful driving game franchise, Burnout has captivated many a video gamer. Who can’t help but have fun if you can do things such as what’s shown in the photo? If you haven’t picked this game up yet, try Burnout Paradise. Not only does it allow you to play at your own pace and level, you can also activate “Crash Mode” – that’s where you get to crash as spectacularly as you want! – any time!
Gran Turismo

I’ve known people to purchase all sorts of accessories just to complete the Gran Turismo gaming experience, making a shouting testament to the awesomeness of the game. The franchise has had many installments, with very impressive sales. Real world cars with awesome graphics. What else can you ask for?

If it’s rally racing that gets you going, then DiRT is your game. Mud, dirt, or snow – it doesn’t matter. Your car will definitely not come through unscathed while playing this game.
Images via RaceSimCentral, Technomiz, Game Informer, Gaming News Reviews, The Controller Online