I have one word for people who use their mobile phones while crossing the street, but I would rather not say it here. Then again, you never know if there is an emergency which absolutely requires you to talk on your phone while walking. Let’s just say that whatever the situation may be, when you talk on your phone while on the road, you can be described as an inattentive pedestrian. The bane of motorists every where in the world.
Just in case you are “forced” to talk on your phone as you cross busy streets, there is an app that might just save your life. It is called WalkSafe, which is developed by the Smartphone Sensing Group of Dartmouth College and University of Bologna. Developers Tianyu Wang, Giuseppe Cardone, Antonio Corradi, Lorenzo Torresani, and Andrew T. Campbell have one question they wish to continuously answer with their work: How do we make smartphones even smarter? [Read more…] about WalkSafe: Android App for Inattentive Pedestrians