Are you plus one-ing yet, or are you still stuck with liking? Google’s beta release of Google Plus last week has got everyone online going gaga over the newest social networking site in town. With the limited and sporadic invites available, not everyone is on Google Plus yet. Still, divmore and more people are finding their way to the site.
With that comes all sorts of articles, critiques, and commentaries on Google Plus. One of the more interesting ones that I have stumbled upon is written by Kashmir Hill of ((Article)) The topic? How Google Plus seems to be anti-divorce. Divorce may be an ordinary thing in most countries in the world, but in my neck of the woods, divorce is stirring up controversy. Yes, the Philippines in the only place on Earth (barring the Vatican) where divorce is not legal – yet.
So what is this about Google Plus not being nice to divorcees? For those who have an account already, check out the options for relationship status. As opposed to Facebook, which does provide “Divorced” as an option, Google Plus only offers the following.

The list of relationship status options being a fact, what does this imply about Google? I honestly wouldn’t have given it any further thought if I hadn’t read the article. Hill has a theory that, perhaps, Google took heed of feedback from the past (the “Call Daddy” reminder in Gmail, which offended some people with father issues) and chose not to include divorce as an option. After all, divorce can be one of the main sources of issues in people’s lives.
Then again, I honestly think that reading into the absence of the option is a waste of time. As far as I am concerned, it should be enough to state whether you are married, in a relationship, or single. After all, Google Plus is NOT a dating network – although I suppose for some people, that just might become one of the purposes.
Whether or not Google is against divorce – I don’t care. I do care about making sure that my stream is kept clean of the noise that I have on Facebook and that I use those circles to my advantage. How is your Google Plus experience so far? Do you miss the “Divorce” option?