The freedom of information online has spearheaded revolutions in retail, marketing, politics, and (perhaps most dramatically) entertainment. The transformation of all these fields has been rapidly paced and disruptive to traditional institutions which had grown comfortable in the way that things were done. Finally, the wave of change has now reached the world of higher education, and the way that people study and think about learning will never be the same. [Read more…] about How the Internet Has Changed the Future of Higher Education
Is the Google Glass Hype Too Much?
Google Glass is speeding ahead towards its release, which is still far away, but it already has unleashed the enthusiasm of many individuals and businesses. The API is in the hands of developers, the first third-party applications are already being tested (such as Twitter), and people like Robert Scoble are convinced that this is the future of personal devices. In short, there is a lot of hype. But is it justified? [Read more…] about Is the Google Glass Hype Too Much?
Viewing Webinars On Mobile Devices
Web seminar or webinar is the latest method of providing and getting information over the Internet. In simplest terms, webinars are seminars conducted over the Internet. It can take the form of a lecture, a workshop or other related online presentation. Why would anyone for that matter view webinars on mobile devices?
Image: ajleon’s photostream [Read more…] about Viewing Webinars On Mobile Devices
Browser MMO Games That Will Make Your Day Pass By Quickly
We’ve all had those days…the clock just seems to stand still, and no matter what you do, it feels as if you are wading through a pool of jelly. It’s bad enough if this happens when you’re at work – with lots on your plate but with no motivation to get things done – but it’s worse when it’s a free day and you ought to be enjoying yourself.
You may have your phone or tablet to keep you busy, but sometimes, even those shiny gadgets can’t give you the satisfaction that you want. That’s when browser MMO games come in very handy. We know that MMO stands for “massively multiplayer online”, and cool name notwithstanding, these kinds of games really do tend to get your hooked. The end result? Time goes by without you noticing it. Indeed, you’ll probably want more hours in the day to be able to play more. But that’s a totally different story. [Read more…] about Browser MMO Games That Will Make Your Day Pass By Quickly
Useful and Cost-free Car Apps for iPhone Users
Apps for smartphones come and go and oftentimes, people are easily tempted to subscribe to many of them. Unknowingly, they end up spending so much on these applications that they’re not even using regularly.

The low price of these apps or the absence of it is what normally attracts people to buy them instantly without much thought. But when this buying habit happens frequently, the cost can get high.
Fortunately, there are very useful and free car apps ideal for iPhone users. They provide useful information and help people save money moving forward.
Free Apps
Gas Buddy – This is a free and crowd-sourced app that helps users locate gas stations in your area that offer the cheapest prices. The information used here is based on data submitted by users on a regular basis. The app does its job via the GPS when it gets information on the user’s zip code after which it shows a list of gas prices in the surrounding area. [Read more…] about Useful and Cost-free Car Apps for iPhone Users
Conduct Safe and Anonymous Browsing Through Mobile Phones
Browsing is the act of exploring the World Wide Web essentially through following links that users deem interesting. In browsing, there is a definitive purpose of obtaining information although the way of going about it is not clearly planned. Web browsing is a common task or activity done by computer users. Even mobility has not prevented many from performing the same task especially with the availability of anonymous browsing through mobile phones.

Mobile Browsing
Mobile browsing is essentially what the term implies. It is browsing done through mobile devices such as a mobile phone. It became a natural extension of traditional browsing as people discovered they found it impossible not to stay connected even outside the usual work area. It would appear that the need to access and view documents knows no limitation in time and space.
Mobile browsers are specifically designed to facilitate Web content display on small screens. Wireless handheld devices are working under its natural limitation of lower memory capacity and low bandwidth. With the continuous innovation in technology, the mobile browsing experience is only expected to get better.
Anonymous Web Browsing
An online user who wishes to hide his or her IP address and other identifiable information from the website being visited can choose to browse anonymously. The most common way of doing this is through the use of proxies. Another is to send information through a net of routers.
Anonymous web browsing can sometimes result to slower page loading because of the need to reroute information. It is also highly possible that some page elements will not be able to load. Internet users usually resort to anonymous browsing if they don’t want their online sessions to be monitored. However, even if a certain degree of anonymity is achieved, the user’s IP address is still shared with the proxy server.
Safe and Anonymous Browsing Through Your Mobile Phone
As of this time, there are not so many available tools that can be used to achieve safe and anonymous browsing through a mobile phone. One is the use of Tor for android phones. Another is the use of a web-based proxy on any phone that can run on Opera mini. Still another option is to download content to a PC using a phone that can connect to it and then posting from there.
It is important that the user trusts the persons running the proxy and believe that they have the ability to keep the information secure. Users should consider getting more information about Virtual Private Network or VPN. For relevant reviews on VPN services, visiting will prove very useful.