So how much do you spend your time using technology and the gadgets that you have? Before you even answer that, you might as well mentally list down the devices that you use on a daily basis.
Mobile phone? Check.
Laptop/Computer? Check.
Mp3 player? Check.
Tablet? Check. (Maybe.)
Did I miss anything else? I guess that the average person would have at least two of those four devices. Some may have devices that have multiple functions. Whatever the case may be, I am willing to bet that you will be able to relate to the statistics shown in the infographic that Online Schools has created. ((OnlineSchools)) Yup, it’s all about being connected, wired, or whatever you want to call it.
This comic strip-like infographic called Always Connected kind of made my Friday for a couple of reasons. One, I actually enjoyed reading the short text in the bubbles. You don’t get that from most infographics. Two, I kept thinking how ridiculous these people are – only to realize a second later that I am part of (some of) the groups described.
Let’s take a look at some of the figures shown in Always Connected. Disclaimer: By including the descriptions in this list, I am not admitting to anything! 😉
- 35% of people boot up apps before getting out of bed. My question is: What if you don’t close the apps when you go to bed? Does that count?
- 51% of people do research online as part of their job. I didn’t realize there were that many “researchers”!
- 70% of students take class notes using computers. I totally get this. It’s more convenient, and if I were in school today, I’d probably do the same thing. However, I can only imagine how much knowledge students are getting out of their classes!
- 3% of people watch porn at work. Hah! The last time I heard of someone doing this at work, he almost got sacked. Or did he actually get sacked? On another note, if you work at home, does this count as well?
- 40% of people use their phones in the bathroom. This is old. People have been doing this for years.
So here you go – Always Connected: A Day in the Digital Life.