Everyone seems to know that certain vices can be extremely addictive and require rehab. The most common addictions are drugs and alcohol which most people are aware of as risks. However, what most people don’t realize is that there are many things beyond drugs and alcohol which can be addictive and require attention.
Addictions don’t have to have a physical dependence in order to be considered an addiction. Addiction means not being able to carry through with your day to day life without fixating on a habitual action or desire. The urge becomes so great that a person is incapable of continuing their day without seeking out this thing and in some cases, their lives can spiral out of control as a result. Here are some of the most common things that people didn’t even realize can be addictions.
Although humans are known for being one of the few creatures on the planet that have sex beyond just the necessity for reproduction, it can get to a point of being more than just pleasure. When the need to have sex becomes so great that it becomes an obsession, this is when it goes into a full fledged addiction.
The mind is a powerful thing, and even if the symptoms of sex addiction may not be the same as something like coming off of an opiate, the struggle can be comparable. People with sex addictions put themselves into dangerous situations and can’t seem to control their urges even if it means failing to take care of their daily responsibilities.
Social Media
Social media addiction is something that is fairly new since it has only been around for a certain amount of time. It is intertwined with a psychological dependence on approval from others and can get to the point of entering a deep depression if you don’t get the amount of attention that you desire.
Some people are so addicted to their social media activity that it starts to take over as their reality. Their identity becomes measured in terms of how many likes they have and how many followers. This starts to detach the person from reality and into a fantasy which is only an illusion. While social media can be used as a tool for keeping in touch with friends and family and following current events, using it as a measurement of your self-worth ventures into the dangerous side of its existence.
Many people talk about runner’s high which is a feeling of euphoria which can flood a person following a run. Although running is in and of itself good for the body, excess in any activity can lead to problems. People seek runner’s high so much that they start to find any excuse to run various times throughout the day which ultimately leads to an imbalance in lifestyle and potential injury.