Face.com’s Photo Tagger app in Facebook is now open to all. This app scan a Facebook member’s photo albums on the site and allows him to identify faces that he knows. While photo tagging is already a feature of Facebook Albums, this particular apps does it differently by grouping multiple shots of a member to make it easier to tag the photos and also for letting you tag photos of other people.
The good thing is, the app will send notifications to the owner of the photos (via Facebook also) for that person to approve the tag or not. Face.com’s photo tagging feature uses facial recognition technology which recognize facial resemblance even in ordinary daily photos.
Now here’s the most interesting part, Face.com’s photo tagger feature also has Face Alerts. This feature notifies you whenever new public photos of you are uploaded by your friends. Think of Face Alerts as something similar to the email alerts service of Google. The notification is sent to you via Facebook or email.
Check out Face.com’s Photo Tagger app here.